Second wedding day: what dress to choose
Many girls wish that this holiday did not end so quickly. Therefore, often the wedding stretches for two days. But on the second day, wearing the same outfit is not the best solution. There are several reasons. On the first day, a wedding dress can be wrinkled, dirty, spoiled, and so on. And the format of the holiday on the second day sometimes does not correspond to the main dress of the bride.
This begs the question - what dress or outfit to choose for the second day of the wedding? We will tell you about this in more detail.
Dress options for the second wedding day
Practice shows that the most difficult thing is to choose a bride's outfit on the first day. After all, this is a dress in which a girl becomes the wife of her chosen one. The second outfit is usually considered as a spare dress in case of force majeure, or clothing for the second day.
If you are still looking for the main wedding dress of your life, we advise you to click on this link and open catalogs of chic, luxurious and simply gorgeous models of dresses for every taste. Here you can also look for an outfit for the second day.
There are several main criteria for choosing an outfit for the second day:
freedom of movement.
The dress should not interfere with your normal movement. Choose the maximum comfort to enjoy the continuation of the holiday.
If on the first day you decided to choose a traditional long dress, then the second day is a great excuse to wear a cropped model. Or something very bold, sophisticated and extravagant. Yet the holiday is no longer so official. Therefore, this day can be spent in a slightly informal setting. For example, arrange a rock party or do something extreme.
Simple and elegant dresses are chosen for outdoor recreation or for dinner among the closest people. And extravagant and daring dresses are usually worn if a noisy and fun party is organized on the second day of the wedding.
Wedding dresses in the style of Provence, rustic or shabby-chic will suit those who plan to go out of town on the second day. These outfits can be accessorized to create an easy and comfortable look.
Choose your style, be bold and daring. But do not forget that comfort and convenience are the main criteria when buying a second wedding dress.
There are also alternative options. Although it is customary to wear dresses for a wedding, modern stylists have developed exquisite collections of wedding suits, jumpsuits for brides. They look great and don't restrict movement at all.